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商品名稱: Lynda com After Effects Apprentice 13 Paint and Puppet

商品分類: DVD綜合程式軟體

商品類型: After Effects系列視頻教程第13部:繪畫與木偶動畫工具軟體

語系版本: 英文正式版

運行平台: Windows XP/Vista/7

更新日期: 2012-03-20


Lynda.com 出品的時長2小時23分鐘的After Effects系列學習第13部:繪畫與木偶動畫工具

視頻教程。教程中繪畫工具部份由Trish Meyer講述筆刷,橡皮擦與克隆圖章工具跨多幀進行

複製的運用,這些工具可以修補一些區域達到藝術效果。木偶動畫工具部份由Chris Meyer演



After Effects Apprentice 13 Paint and Puppet

Author: Chris Meyer and Trish Meyer

In this course, Trish and Chris Meyer introduce a series of

creative tools inside After Effects. The centerpiece is Paint,

where Trish demonstrates how to use the Brush, Eraser, and

Clone Stamp tools to draw on a layer, remove portions of it,

or repeat elements around a composition. These tools can be

used for artistic purposes as well as to repair problem areas

in footage. Chris shows off the Puppet tools for distorting

layers, Brainstorm to break through creative blocks, and the

Cartoon effect to lend an illustrative look to live footage

or 3D renders.

The After Effects Apprentice videos on lynda.com were created

by Trish and Chris Meyer and are designed to be used on their

own and as a companion to their book After Effects Apprentice.

We are honored to host these tutorials in the lynda.com Online

Training Library.

Topics include:

* Creating, erasing, and animating brush and clone strokes

* Using Paint to reveal a layer over time

* Creating animated distortions to flat artwork with the

Puppet tools

* Employing Brainstorm to explore complex effects and alter

keyframed animations

* Getting the most out of the Cartoon effect, including

pre- and post-processing


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