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商品名稱: 套娃大冒險 Stacking

商品分類: DVD電腦遊戲

商品類型: ACT動作遊戲軟體

語系版本: 英文正式版

運行平台: Windows XP/Vista/7

更新日期: 2012-06-09


Copy everything from the SKIDROW folder into the game installation


一款以俄羅斯套娃(俄羅斯特產木製玩具, 一般由多個一樣圖案的空心木娃娃一個套一個組成,

最多可達十多個, 通常為圓柱形, 底部平坦可以直立)為主題的冒險遊戲《套娃大冒險》(Stacking)

現在登陸PC平台。 這款精彩而又奇趣的數字下載遊戲於2011年早些時候在PSN和Xbox Live Arcade

上發佈。 玩家扮演的是年輕的俄羅斯套娃公仔Charlie Blackmore,為了從邪惡的工業家「男爵」手

中解救家人,踏上一條到處是謎題的冒險之旅。 玩家通過套進比Charlie更大只的套娃來獲得不同的

能力,以便應付越來越複雜的謎題。本作還繼續保持了Double Fine一貫的搞笑對話風格。


From Tim Schafer's Double Fine Productions, explore a vintage world

inhabited by living Russian stacking dolls as you jump into more than

100 unique dolls and use their special abilities to solve a wide

variety of puzzles & challenges. Play as Charlie Blackmore, the world's

tiniest Russian stacking doll, and embark on an adventure to rescue

Charlie's family from the nefarious industrialist known only as the

"Baron." This imaginative 3rd person puzzle adventure game will take

you on a journey from a bustling Royal Train Station to a high-flying

Zeppelin as you collect unique dolls and matched stacking sets to

display in Charlie's secret hideout, where you chronicle your


Continue the Stacking adventure with The Lost Hobo King DLC pack,

included free in the PC version!

In the Lost Hobo King, the first downloadable expansion for Double

Fine's Stacking, players once again assume the role of Charlie

Blackmore, the world's smallest Russian stacking doll. Charlie travels

with his hobo friend Levi to the mysterious kingdom of Camelfoot, the

mythical resting place of lost hobo king and his crown. Charlie must

help Levi's uncle, Rufus Ryken, reclaim his rightful throne by solving

three tests of valor and reawakening the hobo blacksmiths of old. Only

then can the crown be reforged, enabling Rufus to become king and unite

the fractured hobo people under one sardine. The Lost Hobo King

features a complete adventure with several new challenges, each with

multiple solutions, an all new assortment of unique dolls with engaging

abilities, and a new round of hi-jinks to discover and make trouble

with. Only the worthy can reclaim the crown of Camelfoot!

Features an all new concept art browser exclusive to the PC version!


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