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商品名稱: Efstratios Grivas Chess Expertise Step by Step Vol.4 Endgame Magic

商品分類: DVD綜合程式軟體

商品類型: 國際象棋視頻教程軟體

語系版本: 英文正式版

運行平台: Windows XP/Vista/7

更新日期: 2012-10-10




The last part of the game is where a well educated player

can set the opponent the most problems. The weight of each

move increases; each mistake can prove very costly, great

accuracy is required. In our times, with the abolition of

adjournments and the increasingly faster time-controls,

endgame knowledge has acquired greater significance than

never before. This DVD, called 'Endgame Magic', tries to

cover important parts on this field and help to assimilate

knowledge and understand in depth the proper handling of

endgame in certain cases. We will examine how to benefit

from the isolani in the endgame, how to try to win or defend

when a rook and rook-pawn vs a bishop and rook-pawn (on the

same side) endgame arise, the technique of the 'square' when

the advantage of the exchange-up seems to be difficult to

capitalise, how to win or defend with a plain queen vs a

plain rook, how to benefit from our opponent's shattered

pawns, how to play some specific pawn endings and finally

what are the problems of the exchange-up when facing the

bishop-pair. As Laurence Fishburn has mentioned in 'Matrix',

'There is a difference between knowing the path and walking

the path'. Video running time: 4 hours


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