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商品名稱: JetBrains PhpStorm v2.1.4 Linux

商品分類: Linux系統專用軟體

商品類型: PHP開發智慧IDE軟體

語系版本: 英文正式版

運行平台: LINUX (以官方網站為準)

更新日期: 2011-10-16




為軟體開發人員創建增效型智慧工具的公司 JetBrains? 已宣佈其智慧代碼中心 PHP IDE --

PhpStorm 2.0 全面上市。

PhpStorm 的首次出現填補了 PHP 開發智慧 IDE 的長期空白,它提供了必不可少的工具,如自

動化重構、深層代碼分析、聯機錯誤檢查和快速修復。基於眾多嘗試這款突破性 IDE 的開發者

的反饋,PhpStorm 2.0 關注於更多的智慧性、更好的代碼質量保證,並支援最新的 PHP 趨勢。

JetBrains 團隊負責人 Alexey Gopachenko 表示:「我們增加了對今天 PHP 開發中經常使用的

PHP 命名空間和封包的支援,大大提高了代碼分析能力。此外,此次重要版本發佈使得 PHP 調


PhpStorm 2.0 的重要變化包括:

對 PHP 5.3,包括命名空間和封包的完整支援

所有瀏覽器上的 Zend 調試器支援和零配置調試

命令行工具的支援,包括完成 Zend_Tool 和 Symfony

提供 SQL 查詢的完全編輯器和可編輯的查詢結果

增加了對 Mercurial 的支援

增加對 HTML5 和 ECMAScript 的支援


IntelliJ IDEA is a code-centric IDE focused on developer

productivity. The editor deeply understands your code and

knows its way around the codebase, makes great suggestions

right when you need them, and is always ready to help you

shape your code.

* Blazing Fast and Smart Code Completion

IntelliJ IDEA offers smart, type-aware code completion. It

knows when you may want to cast to a type and is also aware

of the run-time type checks that you made, after which you

can perform cast and method invocation in a single action!

New in IntelliJ IDEA 10 - code completion auto-invoked

instantly as you type.

* Easier Multilanguage Editing

IntelliJ IDEA easily recognizes one language inside another

- language injections, such as SQL inside a Java, HTML

inside JavaScript, etc. For injections the editor provides

appropriate coding assistance inline and a dedicated

injection fragment editor.

* Ultimate - Exclusive Out-of-the-Box Feature Set

IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate is the full-featured commercial IDE

- with a complete set of tools and integrations with the

most important modern technologies and frameworks, such as

Spring and Hibernate - a must-have for effective Web and

Java EE development.

* Enterprise technologies support including Java EE,

Spring, GWT, Struts, Hibernate, Google App Engine, OSGi and


* Simplified web development with intelligent editors for

HTML, JavaScript, CSS, integration for templating engines.

* Full array of supported languages, with refactoring

capabilities: ActionScript, PHP, Groovy, Scala,

Python/Jython, Ruby/JRuby, Clojure.

* Deployment and debugging with any of the following

application servers: Tomcat, GlassFish, JBoss, Weblogic,

WebSphere, Geronimo, Resin.

* Commercial version control systems support: Perforce,

ClearCase, Team Foundation Server, Visual SourceSafe.

* Tools for working with large scale Java codebases:

dependency analysis and validation, UML class diagrams.

* Unique structural search and replace facility based on

regular expressions describing structural Java elements.

* Easily spot and fix duplicate code fragments. Measure the

code coverage for your unit tests.



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