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商品名稱: Quantumwise Atomistix Toolkit v11.2.2.3069 X64

商品分類: 工程繪圖、計算、分析軟體

商品類型: 納米模擬軟體

語系版本: 英文正式版

運行平台: Windows XP/Vista/7

更新日期: 2011-06-05




Atomistix ToolKit (ATK)是一個能模擬納米結構體系和納米器件的電學性質和量子輸

運性質的第一性原理電子結構計算程式. 對於所模擬的納米器件的電極, 它可以是納米

管或金屬. 對於所模擬的納米結構體系, 它可以是兩種不同材料形成的界面區, 或界於

兩個金屬表面之間的分子. ATK是由Atomistix公司在McDCal、SIESTA和TranSIESTA等電


運性質的大型計算軟體, 它的前身是TranSIESTA-C. 基於密度泛函理論, ATK實現了贗勢

法和原子軌道線性組合方法等現代電子結構計算方法. 在此基礎上, 它利用非平衡格林

函數方法來處理納米器件在外置偏壓下的電子輸運性質. 因此它能處理納米器件中的兩

個電極具有不同化學勢時的情況, 能計算納米器件在外置偏壓下的電流、穿過接觸結的

電壓降、電子透射波和電子的透射係數等等. ATK也實現了自旋極化的電子結構計算方法

, 因此它也可以處理納米器件中相關的磁性和自旋輸運問題. 除此之外, ATK也能進行傳

統的電子結構計算, 處理孤立的分子體系和具有週期性的體系. 另外ATK也採用非常有效



The most noticeable capability in ATK is the transport

module, which can compute the ballistic coherent tunneling

current in a nanoscale device structure, via the use of a

non-equillibrium Green's function (NEGF) formalism. Since

it is also necessary to have an accurate description of the

electronic structure, ATK also comprises methods for this.

In fact, two different ones: density-functional theory

(DFT) and extended H點kel. In addition, the latest version

(11.2) includes a module with classical potentials for

geometry optimizations and molecular dynamics calculations.

ATK is thus a powerful general-purpose engine for both

electronic structure and transport calculations in many

kinds of atomic-scale systems.

Below is a detailed list of the basic features of Atomistix

ToolKit (ATK). Note that via the Python scripting interface

and plug-ins to the graphical user interface, users can

also add new features to the platform themselves, or

combine existing features into a complex workflow.

Some links in the list below point to additional

information in the ATK Reference Manual, which is also a

good resource to find out more about the capabilities of

the software.

Also, don't forget that ATK contains a graphical user

interface, Virtual NanoLab, with its own set of features!



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