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商品名稱: Bitsum Technologies Process Lasso Pro v5.00.50

商品分類: 系統優化.清理.修復工具

商品類型: 系統優化軟體

語系版本: 英文正式版

運行平台: Windows XP/Vista/7

更新日期: 2011-12-17




Process Lasso 是一款獨特的調試級別的系統優化工具,主要功能是動態調整各個進程的優先級並

設為合理的優先級類以實現為系統減負的目的,此項特性被 Process Lasso 定義為過載抑制(out-

of-control restraint),可有效避免藍屏、假死、進程停止響應、進程佔用 CPU 時間過多等症狀。

同時它還具備前台進程推進、工作集修整、進程黑名單等附加特性。Process Lasso 對您系統的優化

是完全實時+智慧的,不會修改任何系統既有配置。且其支援命令行操作和伺服器 -- 用戶端的遠端



Process Lasso is a unique new technology that will

improve your PC's responsiveness and stability

during periods of high CPU load. Windows, by design,

allows programs to monopolize your CPU without

restraint - leading to freezes, hangs, and

micro-lags. Process Lasso's ProBalance (Process

Balance) technology intelligently adjusts the

priorities of running programs so that badly behaved

processes won't negatively impact the responsiveness

of your PC.

Process Lasso also offers an assortment of ways to

take full control of how your CPUs are allocated to

running programs. In essence, it is an all-in-one

automated Windows process tuner. You can choose at

what priority processes should run, and which CPUs

should be assigned to them. You can also disallow

certain programs from running, log all programs run,

automatically restart programs, limit the number of

instances of a program, and much more. You can even

indicate processes that should induce entrance into

the High Performance power scheme or prevent the PC

from sleeping. A gaming mode also allows for easy

process priority optimization for avid gamers.



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