魔神英雄傳  巨乳  鋼之鍊金術師

商品名稱: VMware Fusion v4.1.0 MacOSX

商品分類: 麥金塔專用軟體

商品類型: 虛擬機軟體

語系版本: 英文正式版

運行平台: 蘋果電腦 Mac OS X

更新日期: 2011-12-18




Mac 下好用的虛擬軟體 VMware Fusion 4 推出新的版本了,支援、相容 OS X 10.7

Lion 的新功能 Mission Control、LaunchPad、Spotlight 搜尋,效能比 VMware

Fusion 3 快了 2.5倍,3D 效能高達 2.5倍,還新增了 90多項新功能。

VMware Fusion 4 最主要的進步的地方:

相容10.7 Lion: 在VMware Fusion 4里跑的Windows軟體,都支援、相容10.7 Lion的新

功能Mission Control、LaunchPad還有Spotlight搜尋。

重新設計的介面:從安裝Windows到偏好設定,VMware Fusion 4重新設計的介面,讓你






1. 把 keymaker 複製一份至 下載項目(or Downloads)

2. 開啟 終端機(Terminal)軟體 ,位置在"應用程式/工具程式(/Applications/


3. 以下在Terminal軟體中逐行輸入:

cd ~/Downloads/

chmod +x keymaker


程式執行結果即出現Serial number,完成後便可關閉Terminal軟體及刪除keymaker程式


Seamlessly run your favorite Windows applications and

devices, on any Intel-based Mac. Built from the ground up

for the Mac, VMware Fusion is the easiest way to switch to

Mac; letting you bring all of your Windows applications

with you, making the most of your Windows software

investment, while providing the perfect safety blanket for

the switch.

* Break Down the Walls Between Windows and Mac

With the powerful Unity feature, VMware Fusion seamlessly

integrates your Windows applications with your Mac.

Instantly launch Windows applications from any Mac file,

the Dock, and more. Minimize Windows applications to the

Dock and even quickly switch between Windows and Mac

applications with Expose.

* Safest Way to Run Windows on the Mac

VMware Fusion makes your Windows-on-Mac experience the

safest possible with a suite of features to keep Windows

safe and sound. From automated, timed snapshots, to

embedded antivirus and antispyware software, VMware Fusion

keeps Windows on your Mac sparkling.

* Mac-like and User Friendly

Built from the ground up for Mac users, with an obsessive

eye towards being a good Mac citizen VMware Fusion is the

easiest, most Mac-friendly way to run Windows on the Mac. A

Mac-first user interface ensures that users get the

features they expect, like customizable tool bars,

searchable Apple help, Boot Camp support, dock notification

integration, and more.

* Power to Burn

Based on the most advanced virtualization engine the world

has ever known, the result of more than a decade of

development, VMware Fusion brings all the power of VMware's

enterprise-proven technology to the Mac.



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